【實用教育app】I know the time - learning to read the clock easily|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】I know the time - learning to read the clock easily|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】I know the time - learning to read the clock easily-APP點子

An interactive method to learn to read the clock.I know the time gives an introduction into time measurement and time in general.Made with and for parents, teachers and kids!Three chapters that follow up on each other help to understand the time and how to read the clock.Here is what your kids will learn:1. Going to sleep once more - or how long does one day last?In the first chapter you will find an introduction into each element of the clock and what they are good for.In the following step you will get to know indepth information about different periods and you will get an overview of the duration of things.The last step of this chapter informs about the hour and minute hand and shows how they work. 2. And now - what time is it now?This chapter retrieves if the following exercise has been understood and consolidates the previous trained knowledge. 3. Set the time to midnight.The third chapter offers the possibility to set the clock to a specific time. Randomly selected times are asked and the big and little hand should be dragged on the face of the clock as accurate as possible.Now also available:Learn to Read, Learn to Write - an interactive method to learn to write easily!Learn Numbers, Learn to Count – a joyful introduction to the world of math!Count 'n' Grow - a completely new way to exercise arithmetic!Buy this app today to help us create the best apps for kids. We would love to hear from you; your support is most appreciated! ------------------------------------- VISIT US : urbn-pockets.com FOLLOW US : fb.com/urbn.pockets CONTACT US : info@urbn-pockets.com -------------------------------------

【免費教育App】I know the time - learning to read the clock easily-APP點子

【免費教育App】I know the time - learning to read the clock easily-APP點子

【免費教育App】I know the time - learning to read the clock easily-APP點子

【免費教育App】I know the time - learning to read the clock easily-APP點子

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I know the time - learning to read the clock easily QRCode-APP點子
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