【實用醫療app】ICDAS Epidemiological Surveys|最夯免費app

【實用醫療app】ICDAS Epidemiological Surveys|最夯免費app


【免費醫療App】ICDAS Epidemiological Surveys-APP點子

This survey tool allows dental public health epidemiologists to quickly and simply conduct caries surveys of their local populations. Key features: - 4 caries coding systems available (ICDAS, Modified ICDAS, Merged ICDAS, and WHO) - Real-time graphical results - CSV data export - Graphical data input interface - Options for recording: caries 'activity' and root caries - Many surveyors can add data to your survey using different logins on the same computer - Free optional data back-up service A desktop version of this software is also available at http://www.icdas.org The International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) was established over the last decade by an international group of experts with a keen interest in the broad field of dental caries detection, classification, and management. See http://www.icdas.org for more details.* Currently unavailable in France

【免費醫療App】ICDAS Epidemiological Surveys-APP點子

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ICDAS Epidemiological Surveys LOGO-APP點子

ICDAS Epidemiological Surveys APP QRCode

ICDAS Epidemiological Surveys QRCode-APP點子
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