【實用遊戲app】IHide UFind Collections|最夯免費app

【實用遊戲app】IHide UFind Collections|最夯免費app


【免費遊戲App】IHide UFind Collections-APP點子

****************Collections Fun****************The IHide UFind Collections is the second game in a series of hidden items games. The other IHide UFind games are call "Toys", "Colors", "Extreme", and "Christmas". The book of Collections has some common items, and some not so common items people collect. This book is a little harder than the previous book called Toys. I hope you have as much fun playing the game as I had making it.************Description************You must find the items on each page. There are ten pages with ten items to find. That gives you 100 items to find. When you have completed the game you can reset the pages for someone else to play. *******Pages*******Here are the names of the ten pages.*Candles*Coins*Hotel Door Signs*Hand Soaps*Key Chains*Pens*Pogs*Post Cards*Sports Cards*Everything************Lite Version************Please try the sample lite version Called IHide UFind Lite. It has one sample page from each of the five games (books). ******************How to play hints******************If the item is listed in all caps on the items page, then the item is a word that you're looking for. Touch the image on the preview page and it will take you to that area of the image. You can scroll and zoom in or out on the page to help find items. When you think that you have found an item, just press down on the item for one second.

【免費遊戲App】IHide UFind Collections-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】IHide UFind Collections-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】IHide UFind Collections-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】IHide UFind Collections-APP點子

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免費玩IHide UFind Collections App

IHide UFind Collections APP LOGO

IHide UFind Collections LOGO-APP點子

IHide UFind Collections APP QRCode

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