



What did you dream last night?

Welcome dreamers of the world, we are here to help you connect your conscious mind with your subconscious one. IceDreamApp is your one stop shop dream platform. Enjoy the best dream social network where you can keep a record of your dreams and even choose to share them with your friends for fun. This app will give you a monthly and yearly summary of your dream history; showing you how often you are dreaming, how many good dreams or bad dreams you are having, who was in your dreams, the meaning of your dreams, and how your real life is affecting your sleep life. The app even allows you to connect with dreamers around the world who are having the same dreams as you, creating new mindships and friendships. Come dream with us, and explore the inner depths of your soul!

IceDreamApp allows you to:


- Write down your dreams in your log (or use iPhone's voice-to-text).

- Keep them private for yourself or share them with your friends in your dream feed.

- Find the meanings of your dream using a dream dictionary.

- Look at a history of your dreams in your personal dream calendar where you can see how often you are dreaming and how often you are having good dreams versus bad dreams.


- Look at your friend's dreams in your dream feed social network where you can interact by commenting and liking their dream.

- Make audio recordings of your dreams.

- Post your dreams to other social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

- Connect with fellow dreamers around the world.


Meet your mind with IceDreamApp! Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/icedreamapp.


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ACROS_유력인과의 소통광장 대화 토론

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