【實用教育app】Identify 2D Shapes|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Identify 2D Shapes|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Identify 2D Shapes-APP點子

Identify 2D shapes is a application, which teaches to identify different 2D shapes in very unique ways. How to Play: First of all recognize the Shape,Choose the right shape.Press the submit button when you are finished Application will display different 2D shapes on screen and ask user to identify the shape,user's task is to first identify the appropriate shape and then choose the right shape,each correct answer will increase user's score by one,for each round of question,application will give two chance to user to set the correct answer,for each round of quiz,user can make maximum of 2 attempt, if fail on second attempt ,application will give detail explanation and then application will generate new round of quiz. Features: 
 Good background music. 
 Functionality of MENU 
 Home: Will take you back to main screen at any point of time. You can then choose another quiz. Help: Will take you to the Help screen which will provide needed help on the Application. Support ---------------------------------------- 
Support is not just what we do. It's really what makes us, well, us. It's that drive to make a difference in your life - no matter how big or small. Really, it's our way of life because we want you to be our customer for a lifetime of fun and learning.

【免費教育App】Identify 2D Shapes-APP點子

【免費教育App】Identify 2D Shapes-APP點子

【免費教育App】Identify 2D Shapes-APP點子

【免費教育App】Identify 2D Shapes-APP點子

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