【實用書籍app】Iliad: The Story of Achilles (by Homer) (UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK)|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Iliad: The Story of Achilles (by Homer) (UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK)|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】Iliad: The Story of Achilles (by Homer) (UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK)-APP點子

Homer’s Iliad can justly be called the world’s greatest war epic. The terrible and long-drawn-out siege of Troy remains one of the classic campaigns, the heroism and treachery of its combatants unmatched in song and story. Driven by fierce passions and loyalties, men and gods battle to a devastating conclusion.“Homer is full of merriment, full of open fun and delicate comedy, even farce—as when Ares, wounded, bursts up to Olympus like a bomb. And the divine family! What a delightful natural party: human beings raised a degree or two, but all the same, funnier than that. They are the comic background for the tragedy below—for the story of Achilles is a tragedy—the fiery conflict of a man divided against himself, who in a few short days drops to the lowest hell of savagery, then rises to self-mastery and inward peace.”—W.H.D. Rouse▰▰▰Download your book directly over Wi-Fi or cellular network and begin listening as soon as the first track downloads. The Downpour.com powered app features an attractive interface with traditional audio controls in addition to sleep timer, bookmarking, and variable track scrubbing.App Features• Attractive, easy-to-use interface• Download audio tracks directly over Wi-Fi and cellular networks for offline listening • Multitasking for background downloads and background audio controls • Resume playback functionality• Remember important parts of the book with bookmarks and notes• Sleep timer: 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 minutes or when the current track ends• Variable track scrubbingQuestions or comments? Visit www.downpour.com/kbase or get in touch on Twitter @downpour_com

【免費書籍App】Iliad: The Story of Achilles (by Homer) (UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK)-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Iliad: The Story of Achilles (by Homer) (UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK)-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Iliad: The Story of Achilles (by Homer) (UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK)-APP點子

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Iliad: The Story of Achilles (by Homer) (UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK) QRCode-APP點子
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