



Import is the fastest and most elegant way to import business cards to your iPhone's address book with iPhones's camera. It employs an intelligent cloud based recognition engine that provides outstanding accuracy. The recognition cloud improves constantly by active learning.

By being able to import business cards faster than ever, you will actually start to use the information in the business cards for networking and marketing. There is no point of collecting business cards if they just end up in a shoebox.


- Batch import: You can take images of business cards in batch because Import processes the images in the background.


- Insights beyond the card: The recognition cloud searches the Internet for additional data related to the contact and uses this data to enrich contact information

- Address book integration: Import can be configured to add all contacts to a specified group, automatically.

- Automatically merge duplicates: In case you take a picture of 100 business cards to Import in a batch there is a chance that some cards may appear multiple times. Import will then automatically merge these cards and if possible enrich the contact data.

Future improvements and few words about privacy concerns:

- We are currently in the process of implementing a crowd sourcing integration that will use human workforce to improve the accuracy of business card recognition as well as train the recognition engine.

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Import APP QRCode

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美國 (U.S.A)iOS
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