【實用商業app】India Sajawat & Puja Hut|最夯免費app

【實用商業app】India Sajawat & Puja Hut|最夯免費app


【免費商業App】India Sajawat & Puja Hut-APP點子

India Sajawat & Puja Hut is the finest shop for all things Indian. We carry a unique variety of hand crafted items including statues, murtis, temples, musical instruments, religious books, fine jewelry, hand bags and beautiful home décor items that you will not find anywhere else.We have now come-up with a mobile application that will provide A to Z information on our product catalogue & everything you want to know about India Sajawat & Puja Hut.Some of the interactive App Features include:* Access complete catalog of our products & services* Join our Newsletter Subscription & stay updated on latest festivals, events & news* Share photos from the Gallery with Friends on Facebook, Twitter or via Email* Audio & Video Gallery Included* Receive Push Notifications on Special dates, latest products, special in-store discounts etc.* Drop us a testimonial or send us your valuable feedback directly from the app* Connect with us through various Social Media platforms* Locate our stores with GPS-enabled Driving Directions & one-touch call featureThank you for downloading our mobile app. We hope that our mobile application just as our website provides you with all the information you need to know about India Sajawat & Puja Hut.This application is developed by SonitekApps for India Sajawat & Puja Hut.

【免費商業App】India Sajawat & Puja Hut-APP點子

【免費商業App】India Sajawat & Puja Hut-APP點子

免費玩India Sajawat & Puja Hut APP玩免費

免費玩India Sajawat & Puja Hut App

India Sajawat & Puja Hut APP LOGO

India Sajawat & Puja Hut LOGO-APP點子

India Sajawat & Puja Hut APP QRCode

India Sajawat & Puja Hut QRCode-APP點子
App Store


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