【實用教育app】Insecta 360|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Insecta 360|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Insecta 360-APP點子

Insecta 360, the most complete application about insects available in the App Store. All you have always wished to know about these “bugs” and much more: more than 450 high-definition pictures, a series of tours on sets, recognition quizzes to test your own learning, puzzles of different difficulty levels and the share feature on Facebook.Children and grown-ups will have fun watching the specimen of one of the most amazing branches of the animal kingdom. In addition, there are no less than 5 tours divided per belonging classes through which will be possible to admire high-definition pictures which give justice to the marvellous colours of the insect world.And with the share function you will be able to share with friends your favourite insects.Among the main functionalities of Insecta 360:- more than 150 insects depicted with high-definition pictures- no less than 3 pictures per insect, one of which includes the location - zoom function over the images - share images on facebook- recognition quizzes through which test the own knowledge- puzzles with different difficulty levels- tours on site- appealing graphic interface, user-friendly and easy to useInsecta 360 is the best application about insects in the App Store.Thought and created for curious grown-ups and children about the insect world.It is easy to learn when you have fun!What are you waiting for? Download and try Insecta 360 now

【免費教育App】Insecta 360-APP點子

【免費教育App】Insecta 360-APP點子

【免費教育App】Insecta 360-APP點子

【免費教育App】Insecta 360-APP點子

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Insecta 360 APP LOGO

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Insecta 360 APP QRCode

Insecta 360 QRCode-APP點子
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