【實用教育app】Introduce London to children in a picturesque way through “The Guard Mouse” a classic tale by the au|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Introduce London to children in a picturesque way through “The Guard Mouse” a classic tale by the au|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Introduce London to children in a picturesque way through “The Guard Mouse” a classic tale by the author of Corduroy, Don Freeman. A perfect bedtime story. (iPad Lite version, by Auryn Apps)-APP點子

Clyde, a mouse guard at Buckingham Palace, whose job is to keep wee animals from straying on to the royal grounds, gives his visiting cousins a tour of London. The Guard Mouse is a part of the Auracle line from Auryn Inc. The app is based on Don Freeman’s book by the same name. ▶ KEY EDUCATIONAL THEMES: -Take your child through a tour of London as the story unfolds the beautiful landmarks of the city.-Teach them about the value of performing their duties deligently.▶ EXTEND THE LEARNING! ASK YOUR CHILD: -Name 5 places where you have seen guards or watchmen.-Name the places we have visited in our city.▶ ENHANCE CREATIVITY BY PERSONALIZING THE STORY: - You can write your own version of the text for the book - Personalize the narration: kids or parents can re-record the narration to make it their own! ▶ DEVELOP READING SKILLS WITH THESE LITERACY TOOLS: - Image and word association vocabulary builder - when an image on the screen is touched, the associated word is spoken and the written word is displayed. - Karaoke effect - when a word is spoken during narration then the word is highlighted. - Touch a word to hear it being spoken in “Read Myself” mode (almost like “training wheels” for new readers) ▶ THREE WAYS TO READ THE BOOK: 1) "Read to me" - Listen to the narrated story while the text is displayed Karaoke style. After the narration finishes on a page the child can interact with objects until they are ready to move to the next page. 2) "Auto Play" - same as "Read to Me" except the page advances automatically once the narration is finished. Useful for those long car rides when you want the child to have a complete book experience. 3) "Read myself" - There is no narration but the child can touch a word to hear it being spoken aloud. The lite version contains the first six pages of the original app with all the functionalities. The user also gets an overview of rest of the pages in thumbnail format. Please rate and review the app. Your feedback means a lot to us! Stay in the loop: www.auryn.com Write to us: community@auryn.com Like us: Facebook.com/aurynappsFollow us: Twitter.com/aurynappsFollow us: Pinterest.com/appsbyauryn

【免費教育App】Introduce London to children in a picturesque way through “The Guard Mouse” a classic tale by the author of Corduroy, Don Freeman. A perfect bedtime story. (iPad Lite version, by Auryn Apps)-APP點子

【免費教育App】Introduce London to children in a picturesque way through “The Guard Mouse” a classic tale by the author of Corduroy, Don Freeman. A perfect bedtime story. (iPad Lite version, by Auryn Apps)-APP點子

【免費教育App】Introduce London to children in a picturesque way through “The Guard Mouse” a classic tale by the author of Corduroy, Don Freeman. A perfect bedtime story. (iPad Lite version, by Auryn Apps)-APP點子

【免費教育App】Introduce London to children in a picturesque way through “The Guard Mouse” a classic tale by the author of Corduroy, Don Freeman. A perfect bedtime story. (iPad Lite version, by Auryn Apps)-APP點子

免費玩Introduce London to children in a picturesque way through “The Guard Mouse” a classic tale by the author of Corduroy, Don Freeman. A perfect bedtime story. (iPad Lite version, by Auryn Apps) APP玩免費

免費玩Introduce London to children in a picturesque way through “The Guard Mouse” a classic tale by the author of Corduroy, Don Freeman. A perfect bedtime story. (iPad Lite version, by Auryn Apps) App

Introduce London to children in a picturesque way through “The Guard Mouse” a classic tale by the author of Corduroy, Don Freeman. A perfect bedtime story. (iPad Lite version, by Auryn Apps) APP LOGO

Introduce London to children in a picturesque way through “The Guard Mouse” a classic tale by the author of Corduroy, Don Freeman. A perfect bedtime story. (iPad Lite version, by Auryn Apps) LOGO-APP點子

Introduce London to children in a picturesque way through “The Guard Mouse” a classic tale by the author of Corduroy, Don Freeman. A perfect bedtime story. (iPad Lite version, by Auryn Apps) APP QRCode

Introduce London to children in a picturesque way through “The Guard Mouse” a classic tale by the author of Corduroy, Don Freeman. A perfect bedtime story. (iPad Lite version, by Auryn Apps) QRCode-APP點子
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