



InvestorRank is a tool used to model, rank and collaborate on investment portfolios. It helps investors discover stock ideas and improve their investing skills.


Portfolio modeling:

To make the portfolio scalable and comparable, we use percentage of the total value of your portfolio, instead of dollar amount, when you 'buy' or 'sell' each stock. Your portfolio starts at 100% cash. The size of your holding is also a percentage of the portfolio reflecting the current price of the stock.

Connect to other investors:

A connection requires mutual consent and can be disconnected by either party. Connected parties have full visibility of each other's portfolio. Once connected, you can use real time message to collaborate on your portfolios. You have the choice of making your portfolio public. Public portfolios are visible by all members of the community. It also appears on the public ranked list. Everyone can view your portfolio and request a connection. Further more, public portfolios can be accessed by people outside of the app through web link at www.investorrank.com.


The performance of your portfolio is ranked compared to members in the community using our algorithm. We rank members' long term performance based on history of the value of portfolio. To start with, we modeled over a hundred of the most famous value investors and hedge funds created and updated based on their public filing. So your portfolio is ranked against the best in the industry. The top 50 public portfolios that are ranked are published daily.

Have fun and happy investing.



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