【實用教育app】Invoke Your Rights!|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Invoke Your Rights!|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Invoke Your Rights!-APP點子

Should you find yourself being interrogated, interviewed, or otherwise questioned by any government agent, you should decline to provide any answers, invoke your rights, and secure counsel immediately. You might consider saying only:

【免費教育App】Invoke Your Rights!-APP點子


【免費教育App】Invoke Your Rights!-APP點子

I want my attorney. I invoke my right to remain silent. I do not consent to a search of any kind, not of me, my effects, premises, immediate location, or vehicle. I hereby invoke all rights, including but not limited to those in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th & 14th Amendments to the US Constitution and the Declaration of Rights in our State Constitution. I want my attorney present before and during any questioning and before discussing any waivers.


To learn more about why that's all that one should say, see here: http://krazlaw.com/interrogation/

And now, there's an app for that.

Tap the main logo or the "Your Rights!" button, and text that you may read to invoke your rights is displayed. Read it verbatim to the government interrogator.

Tap the text, and a recording of the text is read out. Play it for the government interrogator.

Tap the text a second time, and the playback stops, and the main screen will be displayed.

If you Tap the phone number, you phone will immediately dial the Arizona law firm of Kielsky Rike pllc.

If you Tap the domain name, the website of the Arizona law firm of Kielsky Rike pllc will display.

If you Tap the copyright and disclaimer notice, the copyright and disclaimer for the Arizona law firm of Kielsky Rike pllc will display.

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免費玩Invoke Your Rights! App

Invoke Your Rights! APP LOGO

Invoke Your Rights! LOGO-APP點子

Invoke Your Rights! APP QRCode

Invoke Your Rights! QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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