



Global Trade Platform!Find new suppliers, buyers and manufacturers for your products.Ishto is a platform for wholesale buyers and sellers (importers/exporters) to find trade opportunities and promote their businesses and products on mobile. Ishto offers Exhibitions where partners can participate, they can search or post information about the products to find potential business partners and send each other instant messages to save time and come to terms before they deal and ship. Ishto has a given a social touch to finding business partners – connecting sellers and buyers, making the process transparent, less formal and easy. Ishto eliminates annoyance of RFQs, Formal emails and contacting partners individually.Key Features:1. Easily search for products and brands using Hashtags2. Discover new products from Showcase3. Participate in Exhibitions from more than 1000 categories and sub-categories4. Post buying or selling requests in Exhibition and receive quick and casual responses5. Instant Messaging with buyers and suppliers6. Stay connected with partners by following them7. Keeping you workingWrite to us at support@ishtoapp.com – you are the reason we created Ishto – please help us with your feedback and make us more awesome.Feel free to report the users who are not behaving and not contributing to making Ishto a great platform for importers, exporters, wholesalers and distributors.Keep Ishto-ing!





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