【實用購物app】Java Certification Flash Cards|最夯免費app

【實用購物app】Java Certification Flash Cards|最夯免費app


【免費購物App】Java Certification Flash Cards-APP點子

The Java Certification Flash Cards app will help you study for the Java Certification Exam for free! This app is also great for those that just want to learn more about Java in general.

【免費購物App】Java Certification Flash Cards-APP點子

The Flash Cards app will let you study on the go using your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.

【免費購物App】Java Certification Flash Cards-APP點子

As you go through the flash cards you can easily mark the topics that you know and also mark those that you don't know so you can focus your studying efforts.

【免費購物App】Java Certification Flash Cards-APP點子

If you purchase our Full Version upgrade you will get access to even more features to help you study more efficiently. These include:

* Randomize the cards

【免費購物App】Java Certification Flash Cards-APP點子

* Email & Print PDFs of the cards

【免費購物App】Java Certification Flash Cards-APP點子

* Email cards

* Show only cards you don't know

【免費購物App】Java Certification Flash Cards-APP點子

* Show only cards you do know

【免費購物App】Java Certification Flash Cards-APP點子

* and more...

【免費購物App】Java Certification Flash Cards-APP點子

These benefits will help make your studying for the Java Certification Exam even easier.

【免費購物App】Java Certification Flash Cards-APP點子

All of our flash cards come from the growing cram.com community. You can even create your own account and have your public flash card sets become available in the app.

When you are studying from community flash cards please make sure to double check the accuracy of the answers. We make no warranty regarding the accuracy of the data.

免費玩Java Certification Flash Cards APP玩免費

免費玩Java Certification Flash Cards App

Java Certification Flash Cards APP LOGO

Java Certification Flash Cards LOGO-APP點子

Java Certification Flash Cards APP QRCode

Java Certification Flash Cards QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store



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