【實用工具app】Java WebStart File Manager|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Java WebStart File Manager|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Java WebStart File Manager-APP點子

With Vnfs Network Desktop you can share the files on your Android device with any PC operating system. The PC computer needs to have Java7 installed and uses WebStart technology from Oracle Corporation to access the Android device. The Android device offers a web page of the form "http://Samsung-Galaxy-Tab.home.net:2222/vnfs.jnlp", which you can bookmark for convenient retrieval. The WebStart client can also be launched from the WebStart viewer (launch "javaws -viewer" and select the client application). A direct start of the client is possible with the command "javaws URL". You should configure your router to always give the device the same name (e.g. "Samsung-Galaxy-Tab") or IP number, otherwise the URL would differ each time the device joined the network and cause inconvenience.

The screenshots only show the Android console window, where some messages are displayed. The user interface is shown on the PC computer.

Please make sure your PC computer has Java7 installed: http://java.com/.

【免費工具App】Java WebStart File Manager-APP點子

Please use the settings to set a user name and a user password.

The user name must match the name of the user on the PC computer.

The default user name is "anonymous" and the default password is "public".

As a general rule please notice that files on Android devices are moved, network

【免費工具App】Java WebStart File Manager-APP點子

files are copied and local files on the PC are also copied. This is for the safety of your data.

Recent releases:

* (v2.5) Drive letters for Windows have been implemented in the local browser and a new progress bar dialog has been added. Drag & Drop to the Windows Explorer now can open a local browser window, if the files are not locally removed from cache by any Windows program. Using the local browser as a Drag&Drop destination is recommended (see v1.3)

* (v1.3.4) Convenience update that added automatically raising windows during drag & drop, auto-selecting renamed and new folders/files and scrolling to their new position in the tree, if changed. A drag & drop operation to the Windows Explorer that takes a while can get lost if other Windows programs are used in between, because the drag & drop operation will be diverted to the last program used. If no other program takes an interest in files a local browser will open automatically now.

【免費工具App】Java WebStart File Manager-APP點子

* (Fixed in v1.3.3) When deleting a very large number of files the deletion process could stop and require a new deletion request. The problem was caused by a Unix "EMFILE (Too many open files)" error.

* (Fixed in v1.3.2) When transferring several hundred files the protocol stack could enter a deadlock when both client and server socket buffers were full. Also out of memory errors in this situation were not yet handled gracefully.

* (Fixed in v1.3) The latest Java update ("1.7.0_60") caused a bug that prevented the user from cancelling the progress bar when downloading files to the PC. A bug report has been filed with Oracle Corporation. The issue was only a slight inconvenience and has been fixed with version 1.3, which added an identical browser window for the local computer. Dropping files on the local browser (instead of the Windows Explorer) does not cause the problem to occur. (Until fixed by Oracle the Windows Explorer is unable not to interfer with the Java program, but only the ability to cancel the transfer is lost.)

The Vnfs client API is available to interested developers on request.

【免費工具App】Java WebStart File Manager-APP點子

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