【實用遊戲app】Jewel Legends: Tree of Life|最夯免費app

【實用遊戲app】Jewel Legends: Tree of Life|最夯免費app


【免費遊戲App】Jewel Legends: Tree of Life-APP點子

Rebuild the world of the Hods in Jewel Legends: Tree of Life! Using building materials, jewels and other valuables, switch two adjacent tiles to make a row of three or more matching tiles! The valuables will help you to build marvellous structures for the Hods, such as Bath House Blubberpot, the Mushroom Farm and the Fountain of Wonder. Players can also check out bonus game modes and collect trophies.TRY IT FREE, THEN UNLOCK THE FULL ADVENTURE FROM WITHIN THE GAME!☆☆☆☆☆ Features ☆☆☆☆☆✓ Earn tons of power up credits!✓ Play in Timed or Zen mode✓ Match coconuts, moons, and more!✓ Construct a vibrant world!☆☆☆ Discover more from Big Fish Games! ☆☆☆We’re big believers that everyone is a gamer at heart and that games are a great source of joy and relaxation. Founded in 2002, Big Fish Games is a developer, publisher and distributor of casual games. We offer a virtually endless selection of interactive games that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Renowned for offering A New Game Every Day!® on www.bigfishgames.com, Big Fish Games distributes more than two million games per day worldwide.We have many other great iPhone games including:➠ Fairway Solitaire➠ Strange Cases: The Lighthouse Mystery Collector’s Edition➠ Haunted Halls: Green Hills Sanitarium Collector’s Edition➠ Card Ace: Casino➠ Tumblebugs➠ Magic Encyclopedia: First Story➠ Vampire Saga: Pandora’s Box➠ Behind the Reflection➠ Treasure Masters➠ Twisted Lands: Shadow Town Collector’s Edition➠ Weird Park: Broken Tune Collector’s Edition➠ Awakening: The Goblin Kingdom Collector’s Edition➠ Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek Collector’s Edition➠ Life Quest➠ Shiver: The Vanishing Hitchhiker Collector’s Edition➠ Fleck➠ Cave Quest 
➠ Maestro: Music of Death Collector’s EditionYou can always find an updated list at www.bigfishgames.com!Try out Big Fish Games' iSplash! newsletter and never miss a sale or new game again! Sign up at: http://bigfi.sh/isplashFollow us on Twitter: http://bigfi.sh/BigFishTwitterBecome a fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BigFishGamesMobile

【免費遊戲App】Jewel Legends: Tree of Life-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Jewel Legends: Tree of Life-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Jewel Legends: Tree of Life-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Jewel Legends: Tree of Life-APP點子

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Jewel Legends: Tree of Life APP LOGO

Jewel Legends: Tree of Life LOGO-APP點子

Jewel Legends: Tree of Life APP QRCode

Jewel Legends: Tree of Life QRCode-APP點子
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