【實用醫療app】Jim Lowitz: Kinamed Wellness|最夯免費app

【實用醫療app】Jim Lowitz: Kinamed Wellness|最夯免費app


【免費醫療App】Jim Lowitz: Kinamed Wellness-APP點子

MY MYO™ is the world’s first science-based home kit

lab test for muscle mass, allowing consumers insight into their own personal biology.

MY MYO™ measures exactly how much muscle mass you have in your body to support treatments for building muscle to achieve optimum health.

• MY MYO™ took over a decade of research, funded by the NIH and the pharmaceutical industry to develop.

• MY MYO™ was invented by Dr. Marc Hellerstein, a physician-scientist with a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry, a UC Berkley Professor of Metabolism, and Nutrition, and inventor of over 100 patents.

• MY MYO™ requires the most powerful analytic instrument in all of chemistry (mass spectrometers).

• MY MYO™ is based on discoveries about the fundamental biology of human muscle.

• MY MYO™ is easily performed from a home lab kit that only requires a drop of urine.

【免費醫療App】Jim Lowitz: Kinamed Wellness-APP點子

• MY MYO™ is personalized for you, has no risk, and can be repeated as many times as you want.

Did you know that your muscle mass is one of the most important determinants of your health, your

performance, and how you feel?

• Each pound of muscle burns calories, even at rest – 10% more muscle means 450-800 more calories used per day.

• When people lose weight, 33%-50%+ of the loss is usually muscle.

• A few additional pounds of muscle has a huge effect on how strong and energetic you feel – and a remarkable effect on appearance.

• You will lose muscle as you get older (1% per year after age 30, faster after age 50) unless you do something to prevent it.

• You cannot tell by looking at a person how much muscle mass they have. Overweight people often have low muscle mass (a dangerous combination).

【免費醫療App】Jim Lowitz: Kinamed Wellness-APP點子

• Loss of muscle, in some studies, predicts shorter survival better than a diagnosis of cancer.

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