【實用娛樂app】Jimmie Walker Official App|最夯免費app

【實用娛樂app】Jimmie Walker Official App|最夯免費app


【免費娛樂App】Jimmie Walker Official App-APP點子

UPDATE NOTICE 6/28/12: Some features in the App currently are only supported via a data plan/internet connection (JJ's Views, website and videos within the sound board) We are currently in the process of making it so you no longer need a data plan to access all of the features. Please be patient. We anticipate this to be in update 1.3App has been 100% approved by Kid Dynomite himself Jimmie "JJ" Walker Kid DYN-O-MITE is back again. This time with the Jimmie Walker DYN-O-MITE app. Featuring content from both Good Times and Jimmie Walker's comedy routine, you'll always have a laugh. Especially when you check it out often to see that we have updated it with new content, from both his past and present comedy routines. With fun like this you'll be exploding like DYN-O-MITE!!! App scheduled to include, videos, audio clips, blog postings, and much more With our easy to navigate button system, the fun never stops. Our exciting Dynamite stick Soundboard is fun and easy too! Simply touch a stick of dynamite and a clip will being to play, with over 40 audio clips already installed and video clips, the sound board is sure to get laughs out of everyone. Update Schedule for 2012 July 2012 December 2012 Don't delay and pick up the only approved app by the comedian Jimmie JJ WalkerUpdate 6/27/12 We have made it in to the top 50 iOS Apps in the Entertainment category. Thank you to all of Jimmies fans!

【免費娛樂App】Jimmie Walker Official App-APP點子

【免費娛樂App】Jimmie Walker Official App-APP點子

【免費娛樂App】Jimmie Walker Official App-APP點子

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