【實用醫療app】Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology|最夯免費app

【實用醫療app】Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology|最夯免費app


【免費醫療App】Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology-APP點子

The Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology Handbook is a concise resource that focuses on the clinical pearls essential to successful anesthesia practice and training. This latest update is based on the 2nd edition with additional features, enhanced functionality and ongoing updates.

The summaries of "clinical pearls" - lists of indications, dosages, treatments, and helpful guidelines, are consolidated in this mobile device compatible resource. Goal of this resource is to simplify the exercise of finding reference information, equations, and medication dosages.

// Key Features

• An essential guide for anesthesiology resident and students

• Features a user-friendly format

• Mobile compatible design makes it easy to find the answers you need

• Presents the work of the residents and faculty from Johns Hopkins University to provide you with the most current and comprehensive clinical handbook available

【免費醫療App】Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology-APP點子

• Offers evidence-based guidance linked to ranked evidence in anesthesia and critical care for expert recommendations on best practices

• Provides lists of indications, dosages, treatments, and helpful guidelines to create a powerful clinical tool

// Unique Features

• Full color images: This product includes images that help bring the content to life.

• Update Policy: Edition-based. New editions are released when the content changes significantly; there is no standard schedule for new editions.

// Calculators

Built-in Medical Calculators: Provide instant access from within clinical topics to the

【免費醫療App】Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology-APP點子

• Modified Child-Pugh Scoring System for Hepatic Failure calculator

// Designed for Omnio

This app will install your new resource into the Omnio environment, which requires a separate download. Learn more by searching for “Omnio” in Google Play.

【免費醫療App】Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology-APP點子

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免費玩Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology App

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Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology APP QRCode

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Google Play



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