



Processing credit card transactions on the go has never been easier than with InterceptEFT’s new Jolokia iOS Mobile Credit Card Processing App! Jolokia iOS is perfect for any fast-paced, on the go business, with accessibility to complete your transaction anywhere, anytime and with anyone. Brought to you by InterceptEFT, an award winning electronic transaction processor, Jolokia iOS, for iOS 4.2 or later, provides a cost-effective, secure way to accept credit card payments from anywhere. With Jolokia’s easy to use interface and extensive online reports, it’s safe to say that you will accomplishmore and stressless. Features:· Process all major credit cards· PCI Compliant secure transactions· Compatible with popular card readers· Extensive online reports· Customized electronic receipts sent to the cardholder· No monthly minimums, no hidden fees, no early termination fees Who is InterceptEFT?InterceptEFT specializes in processing electronic transactions. InterceptEFT offers more features, more services, more reports and more flexibility than anyone else in the industry. Our team of experts has delivered comprehensive, hassle-free electronic transactions for almost 20 years. More than 56,000 companies are already processing credit card and ACH transactions with InterceptEFT, making up more than 50 million transactions per year. Ongoing technology tests, audits, and reviews are done to ensure your data remains safe and secure. Let InterceptEFT help you accomplishmore and stressless. Contact InterceptEFT to get started:· 800.378.3328· www.intercepteft.com/mobile Bottom line: Trust InterceptEFT for LOW RATES AND FEES! InterceptEFT will streamline your credit card processing so you can accomplishmore and stressless. To learn more about mobile credit card processing and everything InterceptEFT has to offer visit InterceptEFT.com or call 800-378-3328 to speak with us directly. To stay connected visit us at Facebook.com/InterceptEFT or follow us on Twitter. InterceptEFT is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Walnut Creek, CA.







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