【實用健康app】Juice Pro Expansion Pack|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】Juice Pro Expansion Pack|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】Juice Pro Expansion Pack-APP點子

This is the expansion pack for the FREE app Juice Pro (previously known as Juice Rx). In order to leverage the benefits from this expansion you MUST download the most recent version "Juice Pro" which is free. You do not need to save this app to your home screen. Once it is installed the expansion features are unlocked in the free Juice Pro app.

Juice Pro is the best juicing app on the market! It has tons of recipes that can help improve or cure almost any health condition.

With the expansion you get:

【免費健康App】Juice Pro Expansion Pack-APP點子

-476 new juice recipes (more than double the free app) totally 701 recipes.

【免費健康App】Juice Pro Expansion Pack-APP點子

-22 new health conditions, totaling 181 health conditions.

【免費健康App】Juice Pro Expansion Pack-APP點子

-22 new ingredients, totaling 138 ingredients.

【免費健康App】Juice Pro Expansion Pack-APP點子

-Multi Ingredient Search

【免費健康App】Juice Pro Expansion Pack-APP點子

-Advanced Grocery List - displays the exact amount of ingredients needed for all recipes marked

【免費健康App】Juice Pro Expansion Pack-APP點子

-Calorie Information and filtering capability

【免費健康App】Juice Pro Expansion Pack-APP點子

-Ingredient Management (hide all recipes that contain unwanted ingredients)

-All Future Feature Enhancements

Vote for feature enhancements on the Juice Pro facebook page! facebook.com/BestJuicingAppEver

I have many planned updates for Juice Pro. Many of which have been suggestions from the current users. All Future feature enhancements will only be available through the expansion. The Expansion price will also increase over time as new enhancements are added. By buying the expansion now, you are guaranteed all future updates for the original price paid.

免費玩Juice Pro Expansion Pack APP玩免費

免費玩Juice Pro Expansion Pack App

Juice Pro Expansion Pack APP LOGO

Juice Pro Expansion Pack LOGO-APP點子

Juice Pro Expansion Pack APP QRCode

Juice Pro Expansion Pack QRCode-APP點子
Google Play
台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play



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