



Jumbles are award-winning, fun word puzzles that teach students new vocabulary, prefixes, suffixes, compound words, and plurals. In order to solve the riddles, the students will use multiple word meanings, synonyms, homographs, homophones, idioms, and figurative language.Jumbles teaches students in Grades 3-5 common prefixes, suffixes, and compound words to help them learn word structures and improve their reading skills. Each activity has two parts – an instructional screen, followed by a jumble (puzzle). To solve the jumble, students must use critical and creative problem-solving skills as well as knowledge pulled from the lesson.It may be helpful to lead students through the first jumble or two before allowing them to work independently. Once students understand how these puzzles work, many students will enjoy the challenge and solve the jumbles on their own. Please note that even gifted students might be challenged once in a while and need a clue or two to proceed through a puzzle. Jumbles can also be done as a small group activity or with a partner.This app has won several awards including the Creative Child Magazine 2014 Preferred Choice Award in the Educational Apps Category and the Homeschooling Parent's 2013 Seal of Approval!Grades: 3-5Subject: Language Arts9 Prefix Activities22 Suffix Activities3 Compound Word ActivitiesAuthor: Noreen Conte





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