



KLUTA is the most advanced application available globally for individuals involved in the resource and construction industries, there is no other application available that is as smooth, fast and featured packed as KLUTA.

The Australian developed KLUTA mobile application has a multi-faceted design that has a primary focus on improving the social environment for workers globally in the Mining, Oil & Gas and Construction industries.


KLUTA allows you to create a user profile; users can then search for other members in any part of the world that will be in the same location at the same time. KLUTA allows users to view, message and contact each other and form a network with the view to meet and socialise. Users are able to see who has viewed their profile aiding the search and connect function.


Connect, send messages and meet males and females from the same Mines, Camps, Oil & Gas rigs and Construction projects.

Travel and search for available people in new countries, cities and towns.


KLUTA is also designed for people wanting to break into the lucrative resource industry or for those already employed in the resource industry to shift companies or change positions. This feature works by enabling the development of professional networks and the ability to make direct connections to Managers, Supervisors, HR professionals and recruiters.


One of the key features of KLUTA is to allow members to enter their roster details and that of friends and family.

This will allow members to see years in advance their rostered days on and off allowing easier planning of family events, appointments, holidays, training and other events.

The roster feature covers day and night shift and all possible roster combinations. Being aware of network coverage issues in remote locations this key design feature continues to work when the phone is out of service.

Add your friends or new connections you make to instantly see when they have time off. Privacy settings allow you to disable the ability of other people to view your time off.


KLUTA has a multi-faceted design with several unique features all designed to improve quality of life for its users’ and achieve its vision of positively contributing to the social wellbeing of this important group of people.


Recruitment companies are embracing the new KLUTA technology which allows them to post Mining, Construction and Oil & Gas related positions direct to KLUTA.

KLUTA members are being sourced by recruitment companies searching profiles for suitable members to fill lucrative positions in the resources industry.

KLUTA members can apply for any posted employment positions at no cost.

KLUTA is supported by Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and the KLUTA website.


KLUTA has been professionally designed and built, KLUTA works.

Mining, Oil & Gas, Projects and Construction, Recruitment, Male & Female socialising, FIFO, Work roster, Travel companions.


免費玩KLUTA App




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