【實用工具app】KNOX Status Samsung|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】KNOX Status Samsung|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】KNOX Status Samsung-APP點子

This app requires a Samsung device...

Check the status of your Knox Warranty bit. Flashing an unofficial ROM/firmware can trigger Void status. This app is for informational purposes only, Knox status cannot be changed!

The app is compatible down to Jelly Bean, although in early versions of Jelly Bean Knox is not present. This is in case you have a KitKat bootloader with Knox but manually downgraded the operating system to Jelly Bean.

0x0 = valid

【免費工具App】KNOX Status Samsung-APP點子

0x1 = void

More information about what Samsung Knox is can be found here:


NOTE: IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO CHANGE KNOX VOID STATUS! Please do not download this app expecting to change your warranty status. That is not the app's function, nor is it possible.

【免費工具App】KNOX Status Samsung-APP點子

If you have any issues with this app, please e-mail me before leaving a bad rating. My goal is for it to be as accurate and reliable as possible on all Knox-equipped Samsung devices.

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