【實用健康app】KanDo HD - A Human Performance Tool (Full Version)|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】KanDo HD - A Human Performance Tool (Full Version)|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】KanDo HD - A Human Performance Tool (Full Version)-APP點子

KanDo HD is an interactive multi-function human performance and measurement tool. It's designed for individuals, physical therapists, teachers, parents and others to help quantify performance changes in your student or client's fine motor skills and manual dexterity.This application includes five different challenges or categories with up to four testing options for each category to help measure a subject's steadiness, repeatability (precision), accuracy, reaction time, quickness and other metrics. For each category, you can select one of four different difficulty levels to allow testing of a variety of subjects ranging from healthy athletics to subjects with disabilities.Multiple subject/client accounts can be created and the results of each challenge is saved for each subject. Several related challenges can can be simultaneously displayed on a single graph for trending and comparison purposes. Up to 100 scores from each test will be saved resulting in up to several thousand data points that can easily be graphed within this application. Optional exporting of the data to a csv file is available to allow additional analysis of the data using other tools.

【免費健康App】KanDo HD - A Human Performance Tool (Full Version)-APP點子

【免費健康App】KanDo HD - A Human Performance Tool (Full Version)-APP點子

【免費健康App】KanDo HD - A Human Performance Tool (Full Version)-APP點子

【免費健康App】KanDo HD - A Human Performance Tool (Full Version)-APP點子

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