【實用工具app】Keep My Track|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Keep My Track|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Keep My Track-APP點子


- Track your position every user-defined minutes/distance

- Export your tracks to CSV (OpenOffice Compatible) or KML (Google Earth compatible)

- See where you spend your time!!

Home Screen Usage:

- The only thing that you'll need to care about is to set up your desired tracking parameters and hang* the widget in your home screen and, when activated, it will update your tracked locations list

- You also may be able to start/stop the widget tracking service

*This operation may differ from one device to another, please check your device user manual if any issue appears.

Tapping the menu button, options will appear :

- Export to CSV format (OpenOffice compatible)

This option gives the possibility of use his tracked data in a OpenOffice sheet, exporting it to a *.csv file.

- Export to KML format (Google Earth* compatible)

This option gives the possibility of upload tracked data to Google Maps, exporting it to a *.kml file.

- Clear DB

Clear all tracked data in KMT DataBase

【免費工具App】Keep My Track-APP點子

Warning! This option cannot be undone!

- Send

This option will prepare an e-mail with a *.kml attached file, containing the user tracked data.

*Visit www.ara-tecnologia.com/KMT-Docs.pdf for viewing our KML to Google Maps upload Guide.

All exported data will be created in the sdcard, inside a “KMTExportedData” folder.

AppWidget Usage:

1. Be sure that you have enabled at least one of your Location providers (GPS*, Network).

2. Long click on the Android desktop, select the add Widget option, then select KeepMyTrack.

3. Widget appears, note that the status caption is “Inactive” and turns into “Tracking: ON”

4. Done! You are tracking all your positions!

5. You can cancel the tracking service via the AppWidget cancel button, or from the main KMT activity “Stop service”.

**GPS tracking requires outdoors in most devices, due weak signals

【免費工具App】Keep My Track-APP點子

How it works:

The widget records your position in a user-defined time, so the elapsed time between location updates will never be less than that user-defined time.

Even if the user-defined time is passed, no record will be saved if the user-defined distance has not been covered since the last update.

Consider the above notes in order to properly adjust the update time/distance to your movement speed (walking, car, train, ...).

Have a nice track!

Privacy Terms:

Neither AraTecnologia or KeepMyTrack (KMT) will collect, distribute, inform or copy any data that is stored in user personal KMT DataBase, the user has anytime the option to erase all relevant data stored in the application.

【免費工具App】Keep My Track-APP點子

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Keep My Track APP LOGO

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