【實用生產應用app】Knots Guide for iPad|最夯免費app

【實用生產應用app】Knots Guide for iPad|最夯免費app


【免費生產應用App】Knots Guide for iPad-APP點子

The Knots Guide application is a simple quick reference collection of different knots. Currently the application contains 92 knots divided into 10 categories. Features********- 92 knots- Illustrations and descriptions of each knot- 10 categories(Bend, Binding, Climbing, Decorative, Fishing, Hitch, Looping, Running, Stopper and Whipping)Some included knots*********Albright knotAnglers loopAshley's bendAshley's Stopper knotBeer knotBimini Twist knotBlood knotBoa knotBottle SlingBumper knotCarrick bendDiamond knotDouble Overhand knotDouble Fisherman's knotDropper loopFisherman's knotEuro Death knotFigure-eigth knotFlemish bendHangman's knotMonkeys fistNail knotOverhand knotPacker's knotRunning BowlineStranglers knotStevedore knotSurgeon's knotTarbuckThief knotTrue Lover's knotWater knotZeppelin bendZeppelin loopHow To******If the device is used in portrait mode, then click the Knots List button in the top left corner to choose a specific Knot category. When pressing a category the user is presented with all the knots related to that category. By further clicking on a specific knot a more detailed view with illustrations and text is shown. If the device is used in landscape mode the categories are automatically displayed in the left side of the view. Note1: Ad Supported!Note2: A knot is a method for fastening or securing linear material such as rope by tying or interweaving. Due to England's strong naval tradition, the English language has a large technical vocabulary for describing knots.

【免費生產應用App】Knots Guide for iPad-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】Knots Guide for iPad-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】Knots Guide for iPad-APP點子

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