



Kohola is a fun and interactive game to help children of all ages begin the early stages of reading thru sounds and pictures.Similar to the approach used by Montessori's around the World, Kohola provides multiple levels to focus the sounding of the three, four and five letter words. Built by and for both school teachers and multilingual parents from Germany, Poland and the United States, Kohola mimics the same methods, techniques and practices these multilingual parents and teachers used themselves to learn and teach multiple languages.Kohola is both special and unique in that it provides a random set of interactive images. Focusing on simple letter words, users are given phonetic objects they sound aloud and select from three options displayed below the image. These words are made up of the correct word plus two random ones.The application offers three levels to choose from: Level one focuses on the three letter words, level two four letters and level three five letters. The application is easy to use and extremely intuitive for the kids. Kohola has solidified its roots in the Montessori reading curriculum and provides the basic means for associating the individual letter symbols with their corresponding phonetic sounds. Easy navigation and diversity of over 50 objects makes it a fun and positive experience for the children. Settings and preferences allow a parent to enable or disable any or all sound effects, number of flashcards per game, type of letter (lower or upper case), use of emotions or symbols, vibration for correct/incorrect answers and more to customize what's best suited for their child's learning experience.The application is currently available in English and will be localized into German, Polish for version 1.5.*** FEATURES ***1) Total customization of the game to provide immediate feedback for both Correct and Incorrect answers2) Customizations include playing sounds, vibration as well as the use of Emotions and images3) Rich and Fun set of images for sounding 4) Professionally developed by a US based company with hundreds of years of commercial development expertise5) Multiple levels of play included for single application experience6) Results provided upon completion of each game providing summary of Correct / Incorrect as well as Time to Complete7) Fully supported with free updates and enhancementsvisit www.intothesurf.com/apps for more information and support on our line of applications and other services offered.





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平假名訓練 HIRAGANA Training

这个应用软件是一边看范本平假名,一边能练习的软件。首先选自己喜欢的文字,然后马上就可以开始练习。看着范本写完文字后,请按眼形状的符号。范本就会消失,之后可以清楚地看到自己写的文字。请重复练习,直到即使没有范本也可以写到漂亮的文字为止。即使写错了也没有问题!按「New」的符号,可以消去写的文字,能重新 …

ひらがなを手書きで練習できるアプリです。あそびながらひらがなをおぼえましょう。はじめるを押すとスタートします。薄く表示されているものをなぞるもよし、自由に書くのもよし。つぎへを押すと五十音の次が表示されます。もどるを押すと五十音のひとつ前が表示されます。オプションメニューから、ふでの色、太さを変えら …

■タイトルひらがなカード■説明シンプルなひらがなカードです。■用途ひらがな教育用にお使いください。先生がタブレットを持ち、子供に読んであげる、という用途を想定しています。■操作方法画面の右側をタッチすると1文字進み、画面の左側をタッチすると1文字戻ります。■類似アプリカタカナカードhttps://p …

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