【實用購物app】Korkmaz Catalogue|最夯免費app

【實用購物app】Korkmaz Catalogue|最夯免費app


【免費購物App】Korkmaz Catalogue-APP點子

Korkmaz Catalogue now on Google Play!

KORKMAZ is specialized in manufacturing STAINLESS STEEL COOKWARE ( Cooking Utensils /Accessories/ Cutleries) and SMALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES (Contact Grills/ Table BBQs / Kettles) for over 40 years.

Our modern, high-tech, full automated manufacturing premises are located in Istanbul and Kandira with total cover area of 30.000 m2 . We proudly announce that our new 30.000 m2 plant will be operational this summer in Gebze .

【免費購物App】Korkmaz Catalogue-APP點子

KORKMAZ market most trendy, design-orientated, unique products worldwide spreading over 70 countries in Europe, Middle East, Asia Pacific, South America and Russia with KORKMAZ brand .

We believe in house-design in creating competitiveness and marketing unique products. We are as a result awarded with Good Design Award in 2010, Red-Dot Design Award 2011, IF Products Design Award 2012, Superior Design Awards in 13 different products in 2013.

【免費購物App】Korkmaz Catalogue-APP點子

We also have around 50 chain stores with a concept of KORKMAZ Cook Shop’s in Turkey. We have the same concept Korkmaz stores 2 in China, India, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Libya and in Russia. At this stage I would like to mention about the GIA AWARD we were given by the International Housewares Association in the USA for being the “Best Retailer Concept in Turkey” in 2013.

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免費玩Korkmaz Catalogue App

Korkmaz Catalogue APP LOGO

Korkmaz Catalogue LOGO-APP點子

Korkmaz Catalogue APP QRCode

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Google Play



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