【實用旅遊app】Kos iTour Travel Guide|最夯免費app

【實用旅遊app】Kos iTour Travel Guide|最夯免費app


【免費旅遊App】Kos iTour Travel Guide-APP點子

Kos iTour Travel Guide mobile application is the new trend of the island, it includes numerous features that compose a life savoir for any visitor. Scroll left or right to switch between menus. Every treasure has its map! Hundreds of places can be found from local businesses such as Hotels, Banks, Restaurants, Shops, Bars as well as Attractions, Beaches and other points of interest, easily you can navigate yourself wherever you want to go. Also small descriptions of Attractions and businesses are included in some areas in order to give you a quick snap view of what is about, additionally you can read comments from previous users.Main location listings are the following: -Near me- Hotels - Attractions- Restaurants- Banks/ATM- Drinks- Shopping- Beaches - Rentals - Real estate - Emergency - Gas - Transport Also there are secondary listings such as Villages, Recommended and more. Furthermore you can use the search box. Other interesting features. -Picture and video gallery highlighting areas of the island. The content includes videos from parties and events, to natural beauty. -Listen to music from our Foreign Local Radio Station, (the best of the Island)-Check events from local parties to cultural so you wont miss a thing.-Register to our social network and meet other users of the app. You can use your Facebook or Twitter credentials. This feature also supports direct messages, wall/locations comments and of course check-ins so all your friends back home get jealous of your holiday. - Speak Greek, listen to our recordings that will teach you how to pronounce basic Greek words. - History of the island divided into eras along with other archeological areas. - Gastronomy, recipes of the most tasteful flavors the island has to offer, learn how to cook and experience unique traditional food, a good idea to impress your friends back home.Other features. Banners ads – Included filtered ads and Highlight local advertisements, top offers and events in a discrete small banner be

【免費旅遊App】Kos iTour Travel Guide-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】Kos iTour Travel Guide-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】Kos iTour Travel Guide-APP點子

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