【實用音樂app】Kyma Control|最夯免費app

【實用音樂app】Kyma Control|最夯免費app


【免費音樂App】Kyma Control-APP點子

Kyma Control is the Swiss-army-knife of controllers for the Kyma Sound Design Workstation, providing four of the most popular Kyma controller-modes in one, wireless multi-touch package: a bi-directional mirror of Kyma's Virtual Control Surface, a multi-touch pen/tablet controller, a standard and a Tonnetz keyboard, accelerometer controls, and compass heading for using direction as a control. For use in the studio, on stage, in the lab, at home, or in classroom, Kyma Control frees you from having to sit in front of your laptop; put yourself inside the sound field and perform your Sounds in an expressive, intuitive manner using your hands and gestures.FEATURES• Auto-mapping, bi-directional multi-touch mirroring of Kyma's Virtual Control Surface (VCS)• Pen/tablet surface tracking as many as 11 fingers with color trails to help you track finger position• A keyboard for sending !KeyDown and either continuous or discrete values for !KeyPitch & !KeyTimbre• A Tonnetz pitch-space with configurable vertical and horizontal intervals• Pitches can be rounded to equal tempered pitch, rounded only on !KeyDown and continuously variable after that, or, in Strum-mode, triggered when your finger passes by the key• Trigger or control Sounds with the iPad's accelerometer measurements in the X, Y, Z directions, as well as controls corresponding with Pitch, Roll and Yaw• Compass heading from the iPad's magnetometer tells you which way the iPad is pointing so you can use it for panning and other controlsREQUIREMENTS• iPad• Symbolic Sound Kyma X.77 (or newer) with Paca(rana) Sound Computation Engine• WiFi connection to network accessible to the Paca(rana)

【免費音樂App】Kyma Control-APP點子

【免費音樂App】Kyma Control-APP點子

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【免費音樂App】Kyma Control-APP點子

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