【實用音樂app】Language TherAppy Lite|最夯免費app

【實用音樂app】Language TherAppy Lite|最夯免費app


【免費音樂App】Language TherAppy Lite-APP點子

A free trial of Language TherAppy, a 4-in-1 app combining Comprehension, Naming, Writing, and Reading TherAppy!

【免費音樂App】Language TherAppy Lite-APP點子

This app contains nearly full functionality for a limited number of words, allowing you to see how this powerful app works as a comprehensive speech therapy toolkit.

【免費音樂App】Language TherAppy Lite-APP點子

【免費音樂App】Language TherAppy Lite-APP點子

All the Language TherAppy components contain real, full-color photos, e-mail reports, and a mature and simple interface suitable for adults with aphasia or older children with special needs. Found in countless hospitals, schools, and clinics across the world, these apps have received rave reviews.

【免費音樂App】Language TherAppy Lite-APP點子

**Comprehension TherAppy Lite - 7 words in English (US & UK), French, and Spanish on the Automatic mode to adjust difficulty based on performance. All 3 modes available - Listen, Read, and Listen&Read.; Difficulty level adjusts the relatedness of the other choices. Add up to 4 of your own words! (The full version of Comprehension TherAppy has over 500 nouns, 100 verbs, and 100 adjectives in 4 language settings with ability to add unlimited custom words!)

【免費音樂App】Language TherAppy Lite-APP點子

【免費音樂App】Language TherAppy Lite-APP點子

**Naming TherAppy Lite - 5 words in Naming Practice, Describe, and Flashcards with the ability to add 1 of your own words! (The full version of Naming TherAppy has over 400 words in Naming Practice, 450 words in Describe, and over 700 nouns, verbs and adjectives in Flashcards with the ability to add an unlimited number of custom words/pictures to the app. It also includes a brief Naming Test for screening.)

【免費音樂App】Language TherAppy Lite-APP點子

**Writing TherAppy Lite - 5 words in all 12 levels of exercises plus the ability to add one of your own words! Copy, Fill-in-the-Blank, Write What you See, and Write What you Hear work on Easy, Medium, and Hard levels. (The full version of Writing TherAppy contains over 500 words plus the ability to add your own words and pictures!)

【免費音樂App】Language TherAppy Lite-APP點子

【免費音樂App】Language TherAppy Lite-APP點子

**Reading TherAppy Lite - 5 target words across 4 modes: Phrase Matching, Sentence Matching, Phrase Completion, and Sentence Completion. Add one of your own exercises to each mode! (The full version of Reading TherAppy contains over 1800 exercises and allows you to add unlimited custom exercises!)

Please note: If you are having problems with sound with any of our apps, please check your Mute Lock switch on the side of your device or email for help. http://tactustherapy.com/faq/ There is nothing wrong with the app itself!

免費玩Language TherAppy Lite APP玩免費

免費玩Language TherAppy Lite App

Language TherAppy Lite APP LOGO

Language TherAppy Lite LOGO-APP點子

Language TherAppy Lite APP QRCode

Language TherAppy Lite QRCode-APP點子
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