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【實用書籍app】Learn German HD|最夯免費app


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Learning German Has Never Been Easier! Whether you are studying the language in school, planning a trip to Germany or Austria, or trying to learn the basics of the language closest to English, Learn German is the perfect book for any self-learner. Void of all nonessentials and refreshingly easy to understand, Learn German includes: German I 1. Some Basic Phrases 2. Pronunciation 3. Alphabet 4. Nouns and Cases 5. Articles and Demonstratives 6. Subject Pronouns 7. To Be, to Have and to Become 8. Useful Words 9. Question Words 10. Numbers 11. Days of the Week 12. Months of the Year 13. Seasons 14. Directions 15. Colors and Shapes 16. Time 17. Weather 18. Family 19. To Know People and Facts 20. Formation of Plural Nouns 21. Possessive Adjectives 22. Accusative Case 23. Dative Case 24. Genitive Case 25. To Do or Make 26. Work and School 27. Prepositions 28. Contractions 29. Countries and Nationalities 30. Negative Sentences 31. To and From places 32. To Come and to Go 33. Modal Verbs 34. Conjugating Regular Verbs 35. Reflexive Verbs 36. Irregularities in Regular Verbs 37. Verbs with Prepositions 38. Separable Prefixes 39. Inseparable Prefixes 40. Present Perfect Tense 41. Irregular Past Participles 42. Sein Verbs and Past Participles 43. Food and Meals 44. Fruits, Vegetables, Meats 45. Genitive Partitive 46. Commands 47. Subordinating Conjunctions 48. Holiday Phrases German National Anthem Austrian National Anthem German II 49. Helfen, lassen and the senses 50. Places 51. Transportation 52. Imperfect Tense 53. Irregular Stems in Imperfect 54. House and Furniture 55. Location vs. Direction 56. Clothing 57. Future Tense 58. Asking Questions 59. Declensions of Adjectives 60. Adjectives 61. Comparative and Superlative 62. Sports 63. Nature 64. Object Pronouns 65. Parts of the Body 66. Relative Pronouns 67. Da and Wo Compounds 68. Animals 69. Likes and Dislikes 70. Past perfect tense 71. Als, wenn and wann 72. Review of Word Order 73. Flavoring Particles Die Lorelei German III 74. Colloquial Expressions and Idioms 75. Word Formation 76. Adjectival Nouns 77. Ordinal Numbers 78. Passive Voice 79. Problems with the Passive 80. Avoiding the Passive 81. Showing Purpose 82. Shopping 83. Post Office and Bank 84. Zu with Infinitives 85. Office / School Supplies 86. Expressions of Time 87. Travelling / Airport 88. Another 89. Cosmetics / Toiletries 90. Subjunctive II (Conditional) 91. Other Uses of the Subjunctive 92. Subjunctive I (Indirect Discourse) 93. Parts of a Car 94. Present participle 95. In the Ocean 96. Als ob/ Als wenn 97. In Space 98. Future Perfect 99. Make-Believe Stuff 100. Spelling Reform 101. Review of Declensions of Nouns

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