【實用教育app】Learn Italian and Spanish Vocabulary: Memorize Words - Free|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Learn Italian and Spanish Vocabulary: Memorize Words - Free|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Learn Italian and Spanish Vocabulary: Memorize Words - Free-APP點子

The fun way to learn Spanish and Italian words and improve your pronunciation! ***The app has been for several weeks in nº 1 of Education, has been app of the week, rewarded as "New & Noteworthy" and has appeared in "What's Hot?". ***FEATURES: - Listen to authentic native speakers pronounce all words.
- Words can be reviewed manually or in the form of an automatic presentation.- The individual competence level is measured by a combination of various parameters. At the end of each unit a score is given.- The text option helps you improve your writing abilities.- The multiple choice option helps you improve your understanding.- The exam combines all options and measures your time.- Users can monitor their progress and level of competence in dynamically created graphs.- Compete against yourself and against other users.- Save words in favorites and practice and train only your favorite words.- The speeds of the pronunciation of the words can be configured. - We don't overwhelm you with thousands of words, but offer small units that can each be dominated in a short time. Do you really have a big desire to speak Spanish and Italian fluently without the boring learning sessions?
 WordTrainer is an app developed to help you learn Spanish and Italian words in a fast, easy and very entertaining way! Learn or refresh your Spanish and Italian, anytime and anywhere with your own personal WordTrainer. WordTrainer provides a set of the most common and useful words, organized in units. The lite version includes 3 and the full version contains the following 24 units:- Body Movements- Family- Animals- In the classroom- Vegetables- Daily activities- Describing people- Drinks- Bathroom- Flavors- Free time activities- Fruit- Dating- Weather- Tourism- Restaurant- At the table- Paying- Supermarket- Tools- More family- Telephone- Places- Medical We've chosen not to overwhelm you with hundreds or thousands of words, but instead give you small units, which can easily be learned in a short time. This keeps it fun! STUDY THE WORDSYou choose a category and one by one all Spanish and Italian words with their translations are repeated. You can save the words that require more attention as favorite, and practice and test only those words. This option is used to study and learn the Spanish and Italian words. You can listen to the pronunciation of all words. WORDTRAINERWhen you think you have learned all Spanish and Italian words, you are ready for the big test, the WordTrainer. You can use the trainer from Spanish to Italian and from Italian to Spanish.To test your understanding of the words, use the multiple choice option and to test your writing abilities the text option. The words in the category are repeated until you dominate them all. In this case the category is marked as completed. EXAMThe exam combines all options. It has a built-in timer that measures how long it takes you to translate 30 words. You can compete against yourself and against other users.With everyday use, this application will help you acquire a vast body of Spanish and Italian words.SOUNDIf you have problems with the sound of the app, please make sure the mute button of your device isn't switched on. The mute button is a very small button next to the volume buttons. MORE WORDTRAINER APPSThere are more wordtrainer apps available. For a complete list of all apps: http://itunes.apple.com/artist/yawarajitsu/id368201330

【免費教育App】Learn Italian and Spanish Vocabulary: Memorize Words - Free-APP點子

【免費教育App】Learn Italian and Spanish Vocabulary: Memorize Words - Free-APP點子

【免費教育App】Learn Italian and Spanish Vocabulary: Memorize Words - Free-APP點子

【免費教育App】Learn Italian and Spanish Vocabulary: Memorize Words - Free-APP點子

【免費教育App】Learn Italian and Spanish Vocabulary: Memorize Words - Free-APP點子

【免費教育App】Learn Italian and Spanish Vocabulary: Memorize Words - Free-APP點子

【免費教育App】Learn Italian and Spanish Vocabulary: Memorize Words - Free-APP點子

【免費教育App】Learn Italian and Spanish Vocabulary: Memorize Words - Free-APP點子

【免費教育App】Learn Italian and Spanish Vocabulary: Memorize Words - Free-APP點子

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