【實用教育app】Learn Spanish Words Fast int.|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Learn Spanish Words Fast int.|最夯免費app


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Learn Spanish Words Fast: intermediate level

This app will effectively help you to boost your Spanish vocabulary and will teach you to pronounce Spanish words correctly.

It offers three levels of learning: basic, intermediate, and advanced. This gives you an opportunity to start learning on your level. Each level offers 2000 words to learn. After finishing all three levels you will know as many as 6000 distinct words - this is more that enough to be confident in a language.

On every level your task is to learn all 2000 words. It should take no more that several showings of a word before your mind recognizes it, and several more before you firmly remember the meaning of the word. So the more you use the program, the faster you will learn all words.

When you use this app for learning, the words will be displayed to you one by one in a random order, so your memory will stay focused only on memorizing words, and not memorizing word ordering as well. You will be able to remove the words that you have already learnt or knew, so they will not be displayed again, which will give you more time to work on the words which you have not quite learnt yet. You can always check how many words you have already learnt, how many are left, and test your knowledge to ensure that you are on the right learning track. At any time you will also be able to restore all words that you have removed. Finally, if you have an internet connection, you can also use this app to listen to the correct pronunciation of every word or phrase that the app offers, and learn to properly pronounce all of the words presented to you in this course. All of this will help you to learn the number of words, that is enough to speak a language well, very fast.


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【免費教育App】Learn Spanish Words Fast int.-APP點子

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【免費教育App】Learn Spanish Words Fast int.-APP點子

【免費教育App】Learn Spanish Words Fast int.-APP點子

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