【實用教育app】Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version)|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version)|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version)-APP點子

Need a break away from your kids? This learning app can get you there, and includes THREE separate activities for your kids!

【免費教育App】Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version)-APP點子


Let your kids doodle their fingers away and show their artistic skills. Choose from a variety of colors; erase and start over again.

【免費教育App】Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version)-APP點子


【免費教育App】Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version)-APP點子

Let your kids explore their memory skills in the matching game. They will enjoy the attractive, cute animals.

【免費教育App】Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version)-APP點子


【免費教育App】Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version)-APP點子

Let your kids learn a bit. We have made it easy for your kids to familiarize themselves with the alphabet and numbers by providing coloring section. There are also sounds for each letter and number so your kids can get familiarized. When they are done, go back to the doodle section and let them practice their writing.

【免費教育App】Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version)-APP點子


【免費教育App】Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version)-APP點子

We appreciate everything you have to say. Let us know what you would like us to improve on, or leave us a comment at http://www.facebook.com/soundhousellc.

【免費教育App】Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version)-APP點子

The Sound House Team

【免費教育App】Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version)-APP點子

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Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version) APP LOGO

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Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version) APP QRCode

Learn the Alphabet - ABC Tracing (Free Version) QRCode-APP點子
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