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Onid Valley! (that's Dino spelled backwards) is the magical land where the adorable Dino-Buddies live and play!'Friends of Distinction... Not Extinction,' the Dino-Buddies are kind, loving, and compassionate friends that enjoy wholesome activities and always take care of each other. These sweet dinosaur characters are indeed Dino-Stars! But they are not the only ones to live in Onid Valley -- sometimes they have to watch out for their not-so-very-nice neighbors... the Dino-BuLLies!The adorable Dino-Buddies are featured in a series of colorful books which are of a non-violent nature and emphasize enjoyment of the simple things in life. Each title in the collection offers examples of good manners, safe habits, and kindness. In upcoming issues, they encounter the Dino-BuLLies -- their not-so-nice counterparts. Creatively written by Aunt Eeebs (and Sprout!), each eBook is highlighted with a unique melodic, rhyming verse that children delight in hearing again and again.A special weekend is here!The Dino-Buddies always want to go to Grammy & Pap's house. They have fun the entire weekend while picking berries, watching Grammy cook homemade jam and ice-cream, and listening to great stories. Grammy's house has the bathtub with the funny feet and the most comfortable porch swing in Onid Valley !Features: • Page swipe navigation• Read-to-Me function• Audio On/Off option• Bonus online materials at www.dinobuddies.com• The fourth book in the Dino-Buddies series

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