【實用解謎app】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids|最夯免費app

【實用解謎app】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids|最夯免費app


【免費解謎App】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids-APP點子

LetterZoo is an exciting new Jigsaw puzzle for kids and offers the jigsaw puzzle of an animal in its natural habitat for every letter of the alphabet! Can't think of an animal that starts with Q? Try the app to find one!

This app aims to help children learn the names of numerous animals, while connecting them to the English alphabet. Each puzzle also contains the written name of the animal and the letter it starts with offering kids a quick way to learn the names of animals and associate them with pictures. A great app to develop cognitive skills of your child through a fun little puzzle game, it also narrates the name of the animal with a voiceover when the puzzle is up.

So, why wait? Play now to help your child learn English letters/ alphabet, and animals starting with each letter through this brilliant jigsaw puzzle with colorful graphics!

【免費解謎App】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids-APP點子

【免費解謎App】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids-APP點子

【免費解謎App】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids-APP點子

【免費解謎App】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids-APP點子

【免費解謎App】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids-APP點子

【免費解謎App】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids-APP點子

【免費解謎App】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids-APP點子

【免費解謎App】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids-APP點子

【免費解謎App】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids-APP點子

【免費解謎App】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids-APP點子

【免費解謎App】LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids-APP點子

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LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids APP LOGO

LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids LOGO-APP點子

LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids APP QRCode

LetterZoo Jigsaw Puzzle - Kids QRCode-APP點子
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