【實用教育app】Light Bulb Readers|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Light Bulb Readers|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Light Bulb Readers-APP點子

Designed by an Early Years Teacher with a strong reputation in improving the literacy outcomes of her students, the Light Bulb Readers 'Learn to Read' app helps children develop the essential skills to become successful readers. Two major steps involved in learning to read are:- Learning to recognize alphabet sounds.- Blending alphabet sounds to form simple 2- and 3- letter (CVC) words.The Light Bulb Readers 'Learn to Read' app teaches children blending and segmenting skills in a fun and engaging manner.Containing over  60 CVC words, children have to read each word as it appears on the screen and find it in the corresponding picture. This encourages children to learn to read for meaning and it prevents them from guessing words based on their first sound. If children are finding it difficult to decode each word, he or she can simply tap on the audio symbol and listen to the word being sounded out. This acts as a great model of how to sound out words. This app supports the Synthetic Phonics approach to teaching reading which has been adopted by schools around Australia, the UK and the USA.Happy reading!www.lightbulbreaders.com.auTHIS APP HAS NO ADVERTISEMENTS

【免費教育App】Light Bulb Readers-APP點子

【免費教育App】Light Bulb Readers-APP點子

【免費教育App】Light Bulb Readers-APP點子

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