【實用漫畫app】Limericks Jokes 1000+|最夯免費app

【實用漫畫app】Limericks Jokes 1000+|最夯免費app


【免費漫畫App】Limericks Jokes 1000+-APP點子

Some Limericks are clean and others...not so. These are definitely the latter.

If you are easily offended, then please do NOT download. These Limericks are crude and contain swearing. you have been warned

*Think you’re funnier; then submit your own jokes for inclusion in the app and get the credit too.

*New jokes added weekly

*Submit your own joke for inclusion in the app.

*Move to SD card (android 2.2+ only.)

*This app will remember were you are up to even if you turn off your phone or update the app

*Share with SMS/Email

*Random joke button

*Hold the left arrow to go back to the start

*Hold the right arrow to go to the end

【免費漫畫App】Limericks Jokes 1000+-APP點子

*Link to developer’s other apps in the market

*Change the size of the text

*Change the color of the text

*Change the style of the text

*Change the background

Examples of what's inside (jokes are not censored in the app):

"There was a young girl called Annie,

who had a peculiar fanny,

she went to the doc,

he said that's a c**k,

now everyone calls her Danny."

N.B. Permissions are required by the Ad networks, which keep the app free.

Tags: dirty limericks for adults, crude limericks.

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免費玩Limericks Jokes 1000+ App

Limericks Jokes 1000+ APP LOGO

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Limericks Jokes 1000+ APP QRCode

Limericks Jokes 1000+ QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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