【實用個人化app】Linear Clock Widget Pro|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】Linear Clock Widget Pro|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】Linear Clock Widget Pro-APP點子

Linear Clock adds a whole new way of stylish time display to your phone. The unique linear timeline is a fun and nice variety of other digital or analog clocks which are available for Android.

Make your home screen a bit more linear with the various widgets which you can customize with various themes and scale options, the useful wizards will help you to achieve this without difficulty.


【免費個人化App】Linear Clock Widget Pro-APP點子

• Two size widgets

【免費個人化App】Linear Clock Widget Pro-APP點子

• Up to 3 bands per widget (2 for small sized widgets)

【免費個人化App】Linear Clock Widget Pro-APP點子

• Time band

【免費個人化App】Linear Clock Widget Pro-APP點子

• Day of the week band

【免費個人化App】Linear Clock Widget Pro-APP點子

• Date band

【免費個人化App】Linear Clock Widget Pro-APP點子

• Month band

【免費個人化App】Linear Clock Widget Pro-APP點子

• Year band

【免費個人化App】Linear Clock Widget Pro-APP點子

• Two types of borders

【免費個人化App】Linear Clock Widget Pro-APP點子

• 11 Types of color schemes

• Full screen app

--- Touch the right bottom corner of a widget to reconfigure the widget. ---

--- Read first ---

This app is tested on a large variety of Android installations, however it is impossible for the developer to test on all types of Android devices and launchers that are available. Therefor it is recommended to first try out the free version of Linear Clock before purchasing the pro edition.

免費玩Linear Clock Widget Pro APP玩免費

免費玩Linear Clock Widget Pro App

Linear Clock Widget Pro APP LOGO

Linear Clock Widget Pro LOGO-APP點子

Linear Clock Widget Pro APP QRCode

Linear Clock Widget Pro QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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