【實用生產應用app】List Manager - For Promoters to Upload Guestlists, Sell Electronic Tickets|最夯免費app

【實用生產應用app】List Manager - For Promoters to Upload Guestlists, Sell Electronic Tickets|最夯免費app


【免費生產應用App】List Manager - For Promoters to Upload Guestlists, Sell Electronic Tickets-APP點子

List Manager is part of the guestmanager.com suite of tools for complete event management.List Manager is for event organizers and promoters to manage their own guest lists. whereas the Guest Manager app (also available on the App Store) is for at the door checkins and barcode scanning.Use List Manager up until your event date to make sure that the right people are on the list.With List Manager you can add guests in bulk using copy/paste, select contact(s) from your address book, or even choose your facebook friends! All names are synced in realtime to the Guest Manager app for checkins, so you can be sure the list is always up to date.

【免費生產應用App】List Manager - For Promoters to Upload Guestlists, Sell Electronic Tickets-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】List Manager - For Promoters to Upload Guestlists, Sell Electronic Tickets-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】List Manager - For Promoters to Upload Guestlists, Sell Electronic Tickets-APP點子

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免費玩List Manager - For Promoters to Upload Guestlists, Sell Electronic Tickets App

List Manager - For Promoters to Upload Guestlists, Sell Electronic Tickets APP LOGO

List Manager - For Promoters to Upload Guestlists, Sell Electronic Tickets LOGO-APP點子

List Manager - For Promoters to Upload Guestlists, Sell Electronic Tickets APP QRCode

List Manager - For Promoters to Upload Guestlists, Sell Electronic Tickets QRCode-APP點子
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