【實用商業app】Loan Saver|最夯免費app

【實用商業app】Loan Saver|最夯免費app


【免費商業App】Loan Saver-APP點子

The Loan Saver application was developed for the home mortgage loan professional. It provides ability to create a loan application, specific to the Fannie Mae Uniform Residential Loan form 1003 on a smart phone or tablet computer. The application can then be exported (saved) in the FNMA format and imported into any loan origination software that accepts 'FNMA' type files (Uses Desktop Underwriter 3.2 File Format).

The following features are supported:

* Create Uniform Residential Loan applications

* Manage applications you have created

* Export a file into a FNMA format for import into your own loan origination software.

-Exported application is saved on the SD Card. You must have an SD Card inserted to export an application.

-Email an application. Please note, that in order to email an application you must have a default email account configured.

* Private information (SSN and DOB) is encrypted in the database using AES128 private-key cryptography.

* Save borrowers info to your phone's contact list

【免費商業App】Loan Saver-APP點子

* Call and email borrowers from within the application

* Calculates Housing Ratio (front) and Debt to Income Ratio (back)

* Calculate payments using the included mortgage calculator

* Fill in as little or as much application information as you need

-Applicant's personal information


-Assets and liabilities

【免費商業App】Loan Saver-APP點子



-Subject property

-Mortgage data

-Details of Transaction

-Government Monitoring

* Supports phones and tables with Andriod version 2.2 and higher

【免費商業App】Loan Saver-APP點子

* Icons by Lokas Software: http://www.awicons.com

【免費商業App】Loan Saver-APP點子

免費玩Loan Saver APP玩免費

免費玩Loan Saver App

Loan Saver APP LOGO

Loan Saver LOGO-APP點子

Loan Saver APP QRCode

Loan Saver QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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