【實用音樂app】Logic Pro X EDM Drums and Bass|最夯免費app

【實用音樂app】Logic Pro X EDM Drums and Bass|最夯免費app


【免費音樂App】Logic Pro X EDM Drums and Bass-APP點子

Watch this course now to learn how to twist and tweak your Logic Pro drums and basses with electronic dance music specialist and expert trainer Nigel Broad!

Need to go beyond the basic presets and built-in functionality of Logic Pro X's new Drummer? Then be sure to watch as Nigel twists and tweaks some standard drum tracks into an EDM frenzy!

In the initial loop setup, you'll learn how to augment Drummer and Ultrabeat as well as repurpose drummer for trance music. Once the foundations of a track are laid down, you'll learn to slice, dice and speed up breaks to create old school, high energy jungle drum tracks!

As a bonus, there are several tutorials revealing the secret formulas to recreating classic EDM Basses using Logic Pro’s synths. This includes the Dubstep Screech and Growl Basses, right down to Reese, Trance and Deep House Basses.

So if you’re into twisting and deviating from the “beat”-en path and wanna take your EDM tracks to a higher level, this is your chance to follow our guru, Nigel Broad, and soak up some of his wicked wisdom!

Table of Contents:

1. Course Overview

2. Introducing Drummer

3. Drummer Conundrums

【免費音樂App】Logic Pro X EDM Drums and Bass-APP點子

4. Drummer Options

5. Augmenting Ultrabeat

6. Drummer Loops

【免費音樂App】Logic Pro X EDM Drums and Bass-APP點子

7. More Drummer Loops

8. Drummer Fills

9. Drummer’s Trance Tricks

【免費音樂App】Logic Pro X EDM Drums and Bass-APP點子

10. Drummer's Trance Tips

11. A Bigger Role for Drummer

12. Laying the Foundations for the Track

【免費音樂App】Logic Pro X EDM Drums and Bass-APP點子

13. Preparing For Jungle Drumming

14. Making Initial Edits

15. Adding Final Tweaks & Twists

【免費音樂App】Logic Pro X EDM Drums and Bass-APP點子

16. Deviant Bass Explained

17. Dubstep Screech Bass

18. Dubstep Growl Bass

【免費音樂App】Logic Pro X EDM Drums and Bass-APP點子

19. Dubstep Inharmonic Bass

20. DnB Reese Bass

21. Deep House Bass

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22. The Core Trance Sequence Bass

23. Contributing Components

24. Conclusion

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