【實用生活app】Lotto Picks US lottery results|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Lotto Picks US lottery results|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Lotto Picks US lottery results-APP點子

LottoPicks displays the latest lottery results for all states in the US that have lotteries. This includes results for

【免費生活App】Lotto Picks US lottery results-APP點子

Powerball, Mega Millions, Texas Lotto, New York Lotto, SuperLotto Plus, etc. Now with a new data feed for faster results and jackpot information!!

【免費生活App】Lotto Picks US lottery results-APP點子

Welcome to the brand new Lotto Picks app!

【免費生活App】Lotto Picks US lottery results-APP點子

Newly added features :

【免費生活App】Lotto Picks US lottery results-APP點子

* Results - See the current & past lottery results. Golden star under the result ball will tell you if your favorite pick has matched the result.

【免費生活App】Lotto Picks US lottery results-APP點子

* My Numbers - Save up to Generate the picks by sliding the trigger next to the pin wheel. Save upto 50 picks for each lottery.

【免費生活App】Lotto Picks US lottery results-APP點子

* Did I Win - See your number set wherever it matched any of the past one month's result. For Powerball & Mega Millions also see your potential winnings.

This app is also available on iOS & Blackberry.

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免費玩Lotto Picks US lottery results App

Lotto Picks US lottery results APP LOGO

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Lotto Picks US lottery results APP QRCode

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