【實用生活app】Love Therapy|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Love Therapy|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Love Therapy-APP點子

How's your love life? Are you and your partner satisfied, playing roles you both enjoy and getting your needs met? Imagine having a quick, objective tool to help you re-balance a current relationship or find a new one.Whether you are searching for love, content in a relationship, or feeling burned — this application is for you. Three assessments allow you to pin-point key roles, issues, and opportunities for greater satisfaction. Gift ideas, pick-up tips, and key words to build rapport are just a tap away. You can also explore in-depth to create the kind of relationship you dream about.You can use this application by yourself, with a supportive friend, or with your romantic partner. You will find yourself better able to discuss issues in a friendly way, even with partners who are normally adverse to "talking about the relationship." The assessments give rich results for both you and your partner, honoring each person's perspectives and contributions.IN DEPTH:Relationships involve two people and are about more than feelings or issues. You play various roles with a partner. There are many roles such as Provider, Courtesan, Romancer, Compatriot, Mentor and so forth. When you know which roles you prefer and which are in play, you get a much better idea of what to do in order to bring harmony to your relationship.Knowing the roles you play is just part of the picture. You have needs: security, action, intimacy, and creativity. When needs aren't met, problems occur. Fortunately, couples can take on roles in order to meet their needs. This application draws upon the wisdom of couples counselors and the frameworks they use to understand and leverage relationships. There is no reason to rely on a magazine quiz or horoscope when you can use professional tools. Thus, when you learn about the Love-Life Types, you learn what occurs "under the hood", how people relate back-and-forth. You will learn how to create and sustain love.This application is ideal for serious students of relationship psychology. Improving a relationship requires willingness to learn, play, and work. Although assessments will provide insight, the real meat is the application's Advice feature that lays out a five-step growth and repair process. Whenever you encounter an issue, you can refer to the Advice section to gain insight and learn actions you can take. With curiosity and patience for discovery, you can become "a beautiful couple".EXPERTISE: This application is the work of renowned Type Theorist and UCLA professor Dario Nardi, PhD, author of numerous books on personality psychology, cognition, and self-leadership. Dr. Nardi has worked with other experts, including a marriage and family therapist, and a relationship consultant, to bring you an even-handed and useful tool to analyze and improve your relationships. FEATURES:• Three Assessments including a "Quick Start", "Couple's Health Meter" and "In-Depth Analysis"• Essential Details of 4 Love Elements and 24 Love-Life Types.• Tips for Meeting, Dating, and Relating.• An Advise Feature that Provides a 5-Step Process to Address Relationship Issues.• An Explanation of Love Therapy with Links to Handy Resources

【免費生活App】Love Therapy-APP點子

【免費生活App】Love Therapy-APP點子

【免費生活App】Love Therapy-APP點子

【免費生活App】Love Therapy-APP點子

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