【實用攝影app】Loved Ones Voice|最夯免費app

【實用攝影app】Loved Ones Voice|最夯免費app


【免費攝影App】Loved Ones Voice-APP點子

Loved Ones Voice is an amazing App that allows you to save your Loved Ones' Voices forever in our voice vault.  Our mission is to give everyone and anyone the gift of a voice. Whether its a good night wish, an "I love you", a family story or a child's voice that will soon change - we can capture the sound of the moment, allowing you to share it with friends and family everywhere.We all have a friend or loved one that has a sound, a phrase, a VOICE that is truly distinctive of their character. When you hear it, you are instantly gifted with a memory like no other. Loved Ones Voice preserves that memory for you to be heard today, tomorrow or years from now.Loved Ones Voice is an App and Web based company that allows users to store audio files in a database. These audio files can be retrieved and listened to from any location at any time from the Voice Vault.  You can check out our website for more information: www.lovedonesvoice.com 

【免費攝影App】Loved Ones Voice-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Loved Ones Voice-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Loved Ones Voice-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Loved Ones Voice-APP點子

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