【實用生活app】Luxury Homes|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Luxury Homes|最夯免費app


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The easiest way to find the largest selection of luxury homes for sale.

***Use it to only find luxury properties in the United States***

Want to buy a luxury home for sale? Whether you are looking for a luxury summer vacation home or a luxury year-round estate for sale, you NEED Luxury Homes for Sale.

Luxury Homes for Sale is a new finder app developed by Motion Technologies. Search ALL the best real estate, classified, & for sale by owner websites at once. It doesn’t matter if you want a year-round home, a summer home, or a luxury property for sale to flip for a profit – get the BEST results with Luxury Homes for Sale

To Use

* Enter in an address if you like to search luxury home sales via address

* Enter in your city and state OR zip code

* Key in a minimum and maximum price; see all luxury properties for sale that fit within this range

* Submit your search & watch as your screen fills with luxury real estate listings for luxury properties for sale, including winter cottages and luxury vacation homes

What You Get

Find the largest selection of luxury homes for sale, such as luxury log homes for sale. Get more results because you search 100s of real estate sites at once!

* See a short summary of each luxury sale property that fits your search criteria

* Sort listings based on location, title, source, or price

* Remove a luxury property listing from your list

* Share luxury properties for sale or for rent via Twitter, Facebook, or email

* Add an expensive property or a luxury home for sale to your favorites list for easy access later

* Select all real estate for sale listings or unselect them all

* Share multiple luxury property sale listings via Facebook, email, or Twitter

* Delete multiple listings (luxury homes for sale, lakefront luxury vacation homes for sale, and more) at once

【免費生活App】Luxury Homes-APP點子

* Favorite multiple listings at once

* Click action menu to view your favorites

* Easily start a new search to try a different keyword or keyword phrase

* Tap the number of a realtor or seller for easy contact, your Android phone will start the dialing process

* Get a map of the property, as well as detailed driving directions!

How It Works

Luxury Homes for Sale is a free property search app that searches 100s of websites for you at once. It searches and pulls luxury for sale listings that fit your search criteria from across the internet. Not only do you get the largest selection of real estate listings right on your phone, they are relevant listings.

Luxury Homes for Sale takes your search criteria into consideration. You will only see properties that fit your search criteria. If you are looking for a luxury vacation rental for under $750,000 in Miami, Florida, you will only see for sale real estate listings that fit this criteria of yours!

The ability to search multiple real estate sites, for sale by owner sites, luxury sites, and classified websites at once ensures you get the best results while saving time! You no longer need to waste time searching site #1, then site #2, and so forth – Search one and be done with Luxury Homes for Sale.

What Can You Find

As mentioned above, you will only see luxury homes for sale that fit your search criteria when using our free android property search app. With that said, here are a few sample property listings that we pulled up in a free property search.

Here is a sample of what you may find:

Luxury single family homes for sale

Luxury multi-family homes for sale

Luxury log homes for sale

Luxury winter homes for sale

Luxury vacation homes for sale

Luxury lakefront homes for sale


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If you have any questions, comments, or need troubleshooting assistance, please email usatmail@motiont.com. We can customize any of our apps to fit your personal or business needs.

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