【實用工具app】MID finder for AIS|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】MID finder for AIS|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】MID finder for AIS-APP點子

This free utility lets you search in the Maritime Identification Digit (MID) database by country or by MID number. The utility comes very handy when you see a ship's Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number on the AIS and you want to know which country the given vessel is coming from. Or, you want to know the MMSI part of the AIS for a given country.

Under the first tab you can search for a county, based on its MID number. You can do it by scrolling the list or searching for it by entering numbers. Scrolling is done by swiping the screen up or down. As the list is scrolled a number column appears on the right side of the list. If you tap on it and hold it, you can move your finger up and down to quickly jump to the number under your finger.

The second method is to enter digits into the search field and let the application reduce the list to only those countries for which the MID starts with the entered number. As you type into the text field the application searches the database and displays all countries which has an MID starting with the numbers you have entered. If there are no countries for the typed in numbers the list will be empty. As soon as you tap on a list item the MID will be put into the search field and this single item will be shown.

Any time you can change to the other representation of the database and start searching for a MID number by country. To do so, tap on the "By country" tab. The list and the search field on this screen behaves the same way as described above. The only difference that in this list you search for a MID number by a known country.

【免費工具App】MID finder for AIS-APP點子

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