【實用工具app】MTG Life and Poison Counter|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】MTG Life and Poison Counter|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】MTG Life and Poison Counter-APP點子

This app is a life counter (and a poison-counter counter) dedicated for your Magic: the Gathering FNM tournament convenience.

Employs a layout with extra large text for the other side of table to see.


- extra large Life point display for both players to see

- keep track of Poison counters

- large buttons to adjust life and poison

- Ability to prevent screen from going off (wakelock)

- Roll a die and Flip a coin with timestamp shown

【免費工具App】MTG Life and Poison Counter-APP點子

- App2SD

Exclusively for paid version:

- Ability to roll a d20, d12, d10 or d6 (free version can only roll d20)

- No ads

- Extra large text size

- NEW! Elder Dragon Highlander (EDH, Commander) for support of six players. Tested work for Tablet PC (we use Samsung Galaxy Tab for testing. Should be ok for Archos 70 and Archos 101)

Note: Because of the big display of life/poison status, this app is designed for two-player games only. For multiplayer support, you are required to use a device with large display.

Additional Information: Android / iPhone apps are not acceptable as a life-tracking equipment in most sanctioned tournaments (especially tournaments with REL 2 or above). (Friday Night Magic is REL 1).

【免費工具App】MTG Life and Poison Counter-APP點子

Does not support HP Touchpad.

【免費工具App】MTG Life and Poison Counter-APP點子

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免費玩MTG Life and Poison Counter App

MTG Life and Poison Counter APP LOGO

MTG Life and Poison Counter LOGO-APP點子

MTG Life and Poison Counter APP QRCode

MTG Life and Poison Counter QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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